I’ve had this idea on my list of articles to write about for a while and with Final Fantasy VII Rebirth around the corner it entered my mind once again.
I haven’t played that many Final Fantasy games, Final Fantasy VII – Original, Final Fantasy XIII – Trilogy, Final Fantasy XV, and Final Fantasy VII Remake.
Out of all those games though, Lightning is my favorite character, probably because she’s an attractive woman or because I related to her more, who knows?
I originally played Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIII-2 on PlayStation 3 and then Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII on Steam when I replayed the entire Trilogy about 2 years ago.
Where did they go wrong though? XIII was a masterpiece by all accounts to me. So, XIII-2 is where the fumbling began…
XIII-2 began with an armored Lightning, can’t do no wrong there, and a battle with Caius Ballad, who I consider the best villain in that entire series. Then after the battle, our hearts are ripped to shreds, we become her sister Serah, and proceed to run the rest of the game with her and Noel.
Yeah, we had the best villain ever, but we were missing the best character ever and while it was an interesting game with time traveling and whatnot, many hearts were broken with the MIA Lightning.
As if some type of backlash occured, Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII was released, as if they wanted you to know, hey she’s actually in the entire game this time.
Fans finally got what they wanted in the third entry of the series, or so we thought, but it gets even worse as this is where the ball was completely dropped and the game was atrocious to say the least…
I spent more time looking at guides on how to progress the story than actually playing the game. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one and despite me just playing the game over 2 years ago I barely can remember what happened compared to the first two games. For context, I played NieR: Automata over 4 years ago and I can remember about everything in that game.
Anyway, I hope one day the Final Fantasy XIII Trilogy could get a from the ground up remake too, probably could make billions.
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