Was I Right or Wrong? – My Hero Ultra Rumble

My Hero Ultra Rumble
(A+) RANKED Battle – Uraraka – My Hero Ultra Rumble (October 1, 2023)

The overall gameplay is actually pretty decent though and matches don’t take too long, which is my number one issue in other battle royals and games in general.

The menus and systems are down right atrocious and that’s even when they are working.

The grind seems like it’s going to take legit years to unlock the rest of the characters.

The costumes are absolutely a cash grab and they aren’t even worth the playtime of the current event to get them.

If you are just playing without worrying about any of the challenges it’s actually a decent game and if they try just a little bit, which I doubt they will, it could be even better.

I hope those millions they are making off those garbage costumes will be used to actually make the game better. Like a 2.0 with actual decent 3D Models and whatnot, but looking at history it may not be the case.

Here are 7 things that could make My Hero Ultra Rumble 10X better.

  1. Immediately release a 2.0 with major graphical updates and better 3D Models.
  2. Actually make decent costumes that people will want to spend millions on.
  3. Rework all the menus.
  4. Add more character skills.
  5. Add a 3v3 best of 3 mode.
  6. Get a better music composer.
  7. Put actual decent rewards in the license pass.

If they don’t work at least a few of these ideas into the game, I guarantee they’ll probably be shutting it down at the beginning next year…

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