Back in the golden days, there was no path branching in 15 different directions. Games didn’t have 100 different endings and you didn’t have to become a quantum physicist to find your way around a level or to just read a supposedly “simple” map.
I wish some developers would come out of hiding and make true linear games again. Enough with 1000s of side quests that take you so far off course it’ll take you 7 real life days just to get back to your original path.
Give me a true story, beginning to end. Not multiple beginnings to who knows where, to who knows what ending, if there even is an ending.
I just want one hallway or something. Is that too much to ask? Imagine if Elden Ring, for example, instead of roaming all over the place, you’d come across each boss one after another within the confines of said area of the map. Even better, make an old fashioned menu, I know it sounds tough, but bear with me for a second, where you can click the level or boss you want to play, similar to the previous generation fighting games.
Technology is insane now, so there is no excuse why I should have to hike 700 miles in a game to get to a shop that should have just been in a menu…
I know some still exist out there, but not nearly as much as it should be. I may just have to make these games myself. I’d probably get rich, because the stuff developers are doing these days against the players wishes is getting ridiculous.
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