I’m Never Playing Starfield

Starfield (Image Source: Steam)

September 6, 2023, a day many were waiting for, for legit years. Starfield was released. I’m not going to lie, I’ve had it on my Steam wishlist for a while myself, but when actual reviews and gameplay started to appear, I was like ehhh. As they say, never say never though…

Full transparency, the only Bethesda game I’ve ever played was Fallout 76, during a free weekend years ago, for like an hour, but I just can’t justify spending the money on Starfield. To be honest it seems like they don’t even really care about the game. They are marketing it as the first new universe in 25 years. They said it, not me. Does that not raise eyebrows? It literally sounds like they are admitting to being lazy.

Most reviews that I’ve seen on YouTube are “positive,” but if you listen closely the true tone sounds mixed to me. Now I’ve admitted I’m not fond of fps games in general, but nothing even makes me want to give Starfield a shot. People on reddit are defending the game saying it’s built to have 1000s of hours of content. 1000s of what? Side missions? I literally despise those…

The gameplay just… Is just uninteresting, compared to something like Mortal Kombat 1 which releases soon. I know they are two completely different games, genres, etc., but I would be lying to myself if I didn’t say the gameplay just completely disappoints me.

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