How does Reina have the Devil Gene? I have a few theories…

Tekken 8
Reina – Chapter 10: All-Out Assault – Tekken 8 (February 2, 2024)

Reina is one of the new characters introduced in Tekken 8 and if you went into the game somewhat blind like me, you’ll notice, during the story, she has many of Heihachi’s moves.

Combined with the flashbacks Jin and Kazuya have, one would assume Reina is the daughter of Heihachi and it even says so in her Character Episode, but putting on my detective glasses that can’t be the case and there has to be more to this story.

Let’s start with the first and main reason, Heihachi doesn’t have the Devil Gene.

Revealed in Tekken 7 Kazumi was the one who possessed the Devil Gene and passed it on to Kazuya.

But let’s not count Heihachi out yet because it could still be possible he’s Reina’s father if the Devil Gene is similar to a virus. Meaning that after relations with Kazumi, Heihachi genes mutated, but if that’s the case why didn’t the Devil Gene’s power unlock seeing as he’s been near death many times and what about Lars wouldn’t he have unlocked it by now?

The only thing I can think of is age. Heihachi was too old for the gene to activate which would also explain why Lars didn’t have the gene and effectively disqualifying him as Reina’s father.

Even if you can somehow get past all the above Heihachi still can’t be the father because of age, not his age, but Reina’s age. She seems only a tad bit younger than Jin.

You finally see where I’m going with this?

That’s right, Reina’s true father is none other than Kazuya! But how can this be? Kazuya was by all accounts dead for years, there was no possible way he could have been with another woman? We have suffered from the Mandela Effect my friends…

“Twenty years ago, Kazuya lost to Heihachi and was thrown into the mouth of a volcano. A few days later, he was brought back to life by G Corporation, a biotech firm making revolutionary advances in the field of biogenetics research.”Tekken Wiki

Kazuya was revived a few days after the events of Tekken 2 so it’s completely possible another woman could have captured his heart, but seeing the events of Tekken 8 he doesn’t even know Reina is his daughter.

Which brings me to another theory, what if her mother was one of the G Corporation Scientists working to revive Kazuya between Tekken 2 and 4? You know exactly where I’m going with this… The timeline checks out and it would explain why Reina has the Devil Gene and why she’s a few years younger than Jin.

I guess we’ll have to wait another 10 years for Tekken 9 to figure out the truth…

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