Fortnite’s Battle Pass MECHANICS are ridiculous

Battle Pass – Fortnite (January 25, 2025)

It’s been ages since I bought a Battle Pass in Fortnite, but this time around I liked three of the female characters included and my soul wouldn’t let me pass it up.

So I finally made it to the last female character I wanted, The Night Rose and claimed every reward on the final page, but one, the last one. Why? Because apparently I had to claim every other reward in the entire Battle Pass before I could claim her.

I was heartbroken. I had saved up all my rewards to be able to claim her and was gated at the very end, then I had to struggle to get to level 100 to claim my birthright.

There is no way I’m going to make it to level 200 to claim the extras this time around…

I believe if you buy the Battle Pass you should immediately get everything. Why? Because you paid for it…

In protest, I honestly may never buy another Battle Pass again. I’m getting too old to be playing around with the iffy XP system, just give me what I paid for.

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