WHOA!! Army Of Two…Completed On The Highest Difficulty Level And It Was My First Time Ever Playing This Game!!!
Talk about being the most difficult game play ever! It was fun don’t get me wrong, but it was hard! The most difficult co-op game I ever played… You literally have to work together, be on the same page, and try not to run and gun…like I do on Fortnite 😅.
“But did I die? Yes, yes I did. Many, many times I did.”
That was the best part until it wasn’t. When you cost you and your partner time and energy on re-doing missions over and over. That’s why you have to work together. Because if you don’t you will hear it for months on end that you can’t be the “hero” going in guns a blazing and expecting to stay alive in this game. You won’t trust me when I say this. You just won’t make it. Don’t be the hero alone and take your partner with you and knock heads together and do it right.
Take your time and make sure you stick together. That’s the important part! Stay together and stay strong! I know this because I lived through it! There’s no “I” in team. So, for that being said I will tell you my experience playing Army Of Two.

Now, I’m not new to shooting games because I played Call Of Duty and most recently Fortnite. So that was easy for me to know the mechanics of the game. But the gameplay of relying heavily on your partner to get to the next check point and staying alive while doing it was new for me. I’m used to being on squads with friends on Fortnite but act like I’m playing on solo and going on a quest to take out everyone on the map. That way of thinking you cannot do on Army Of Two. Not at all. So, I had to give up all control and work together with Gannicus.
Gannicus : My wonderful boyfriend’s gamer name tag. So, when I mention “Gannicus” I’m talking about him 🖤
You have two contractors, Army Rangers Tyson Rios and Elliot Salem, who you can choose who plays who. Rios and Salem got contracted to join a private sector to work for Security and Strategy Corporation (SSC). Gannicus played Rios and I played as Salem.
“Why can’t there be a female character? Kinda sexist if you ask me. Like why all the characters has to be only men?” – Rose
One of the friction points no couple can anticipate is going back-to-back in China. Back-to-back mode emphasizes suppressive fire while the enemy attempts to overpower you with numbers, ammo, and damage output. If your confidence is anything like mine and Gannicus this seems like a trivial task…until you realize it isn’t.
Back-to-back is a slow-motion gunslingers’ fantasy that ends with the battlefield going back to the game’s full speed and force while we frantically attempt to gain cover and the upper hand.
One missed shot, one second to slow on the reload, Gannicus or I not calling for help while we instead are doomed to die for our assumed skills failing to get the job done.
Restart after restart we felt the pain and pressure. Obviously, it’s possible to win but how? What were we doing or not doing to clear the check point?
The solution? Teamwork and communication. You can only die alongside your partner so many times until you both have learned the quirks your partner brings to the table. From Gann’s irl tactical understanding to my enjoyment of adventure we were not only able to beat the hardest content this game had to offer but we did it with the highest gear and unlocks available in the game.
As the missions progressively got harder, we found ourselves opening up to each other and learning the importance of patience while bullet after bullet took down enemy after enemy or worse at times one of us.
12 hours of consecutive intense game play leaves a fatigue that is all well to known to the gaming community. How could you not feel the pain? This was only 3 months into a relationship and every word and action we chose dictated the result of the evening’s conclusion. Was it easy? No. I know in fact I will never pick up that game again. Was it worth it? I believe so, with more and more each time a challenge arrives in our lives. Challenges happen. Life happens. Just keep going. If you have a special person in your life that keeps you moving forward hold them close because at the end of the day you are an “Army of Two”
“Army Of Two” – Gannicus

Now, the mechanics of this game were tremendously well made. As well as the customization features within the game: Gear, Weapons and Vehicles. Now that’s the fun part. I love to customize anything and everything if I’m given the choice to do so within games. I couldn’t tell you what we had or what it looked like but we had gotten enough money we were able to deck out all our weapons to the highest quality and fashion the game would allow.
We can upgrade our armor to make it better and stronger, but these cannot be purchased but are unlocked as we progress through campaign mode. You start with Basic body armor, upgrade to Medium after completing the Afghanistan mission, and are granted Heavy body armor after the Aircraft Carrier mission. You can also unlock and purchase a new face mask that the main characters wear.
We were allowed to customize our weapons; bought with money we earned as the game progressed. Such elements as new barrels, stocks, forend-mounted vertical grips, and extra-large magazines and ammo drums that can be swapped out to give the weapon a unique look and superior statistics. Other modifications include suppressors, a gun-shield, an underslung grenade launcher, or an underslung 12-gauge shotgun.
We were able to drive a jeep, a main battle tank, and a hovercraft. One of us would drive and the other would fire a secondary weapon like a ring mounted XM312 heavy machine gun (jeep and hovercraft) or a 120 mm cannon (the tank).
To sum things up, don’t be like me and try to give up. Listen to your partner and work together to get to the finish line. You can do it, when you work together and in Gannicus words and not mine “Army Of Two” , never give up and keep going the distance together because the victory is worth every single death, restart, and hardships along the journey.
Closing Credits
I just want to say thank you to Gannicus for putting up with me during those 12 hours and making it the best game experience I ever went through. It was definitely worth the stress and sweat and tears I had endured throughout Army Of Two. It’s not for the weak minded. So thank you for being my Player One to my Player Two, over and out.
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