Why Can’t I Have Infinite Power?

Elden Ring
Mohg, Lord of Blood – Elden Ring (3HK/Infinite Health Series) – (November 30, 2022)

Why? Why don’t new games have modes that start you with all the character’s abilities? Why limit your own creations? Why are people grinding in Elden Ring for days just to try and kill a boss who will still swipe you to the side like you are nothing after weeks of work? I have a lot of questions and no answers.

“Design choices,” are just excuses. Ok, the character doesn’t get a new ability because of the story, I understand, but what about when that’s not the case, why lock my power? To keep me playing? I’ve already bought the game, give me a break. It’s legit the reason I mostly play on story mode difficulty these days. It should not take me multiple hours to only knock the enemy’s health down by a centimeter.

There should be an unlock everything mode, stat sliders, etc., available by default, especially with how far gaming technology has come. Unless the game is an online multiplayer there is literally no reason not to have these modes. I can’t be the only one alive who thinks like this, but if I am, that’s honestly sad…

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