Writing Blogs is EASIER than Talking in YouTube Videos

Image by Nile from Pixabay (2015)
Image by Nile from Pixabay (2015)

The in the moment part is what’s tough, especially alone. I legit haven’t even uploaded a video I spoke in for almost a year now. That doesn’t mean I’m never going to speak again, just only probably if I feel it’s necessary. I like making videos like most people, even if it’s only just basic cuts of my gameplay.

The reason I think blogging is easier than speaking in videos after only 3 weeks, because for us introverted people we just can take all the time in the world to write a post versus trying to say something in the moment of a gameplay video to fill dead air. Write a post for every video if you want, at least people will have something they can read in a minute or two, to get context. Just throwing out ideas.

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