Multiplayer Games & Nightmares

Mega City – Fortnite (8/27/2023)

It’s not just battle royal’s either, I remember playing Halo Infinite when it came out and the match times were 15+ minutes. Like really? These matches don’t need to be no longer than 5 minutes, maybe 10 for the battle royals. You’d think “Oh, you just have a short attention span from watching all those tik tok videos,” but I’ve never had a tik tok in my life. I deleted my instagram when they started doing that foolishness and I avoid youtube shorts like the plague.

The matches are too LONG and the maps are too BIG. What does it take, like 7 minutes to get from one end to the other on foot in Fortnite? And don’t get me started on GTAV or the GTAVI map leaks… If you are playing with friends, yes it changes things a little, time might move a tad faster, but in the back of your mind you’re still having the same thoughts.

It may just be me, but when match times are that long I tend to start hating the games, it’s not fun, but take what I say with a grain of salt because I have over 500 hours in Fortnite on PC and probably another 500 from my PlayStation days. Friends smh… I literally played a solo match just to get a shot for this article. Majority of the few people I saw were bots and I debated whether or not I should attack the NPCs to end it. I got to the end and met like 2-3 real players. Spoiler alert, I won.