PlayStation is struggling, Xbox has thrown in the towel, and Nintendo is in the clouds

KioGhostV Original
KioGhostV Original: Console Chaos (Made with random images from Google) (February 24, 2024)

PlayStation has been struggling since the PlayStation 5 released in 2020 and recently just did another round of mass layoffs.

Xbox has officially called it quits, after revealing state secrets in a lengthy trial acquiring Blizzard.

Nintendo is in a world of its own and sending the suits to acquire another massive lawsuit settlement.

This may be it… Prime time… For a new challenger to appear…

Currently, there is no generation that has been failing as miserably as the one we are living in at the moment.

We all know it’s hard for any new company to break into the gaming industry as the big three have had it on lock for years and are pushing for an all digital future, but it seems like one more push may cause a catastrophe and everything is going to come crumbling down.

Which is why right now is the prime time for someone to throw their hat into the ring.

I don’t know who is going to make or what this unknown console or device may be, but I have a feeling it’s only a matter of time before something crazy is invented, ushering in a new era of developers and creating a new top dog to reign in the new generation.

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2 responses to “PlayStation is struggling, Xbox has thrown in the towel, and Nintendo is in the clouds”

  1. ItzMidnightRose

    OOOO!! I had no idea, but I hope whoever it may be, they will be better than what we are used too!

    1. It could be you…? o.O

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