You don’t have to finish every game, sometimes you just have to move on…

Tekken 8
Kazuya & Jin – Tekken 8 (February 2, 2024)

So, while browsing Twitter the other day, looking for inspiration, I came across a post by Xbox.

“It’s perfectly okay to start a game, enjoy that game, but never actually finish said game.” – @Xbox (Twitter) (February 24, 2023)

It got me thinking about how I was in the past… Yes… I was a completionist, my friend. I was that guy following the YouTube video to get all 100 feathers in Assassin’s Creed II on PlayStation 3 to get that Platinum Trophy, but in these past few years I’ve completely shifted.

Games have become so huge that I just started calling it quits when stuff started to feel like too much work and I don’t blame anyone who does the same.

I’ve literally mentioned this in an article I wrote back in the beginning of December called, Chapter 6: Ignition is Ridiculous… – Yakuza: Like a Dragon. It’s the end of February and I still haven’t went back to that game…

In contrast, I bought Palworld and barely got out of the starting area, had a complete blast, and was completely satisfied with my purchase despite me not having played it as much as I’ve been playing Tekken 8.

Many of us face an inner battle as we have spent our hard earned money on the game, but sometimes you just have to keep it moving…

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4 responses to “You don’t have to finish every game, sometimes you just have to move on…”

  1. ItzMidnightRose

    I agree with you. I recently finished Mass Effect 1, took me 3 months to finish and now im working on ME2. Growing up i played Saints Row and i finished Raint Row 3, but when it came to Saint Row 4 when the Aliens invaded the town and everything, i got stuck on this mission and i could never get past and never finished the game. So it happens, and we move on to other games and time will tell if we go back to it or not to finish it. Its okay if you do or don’t. Just live your life the way you want, full of happiness and fun.

    1. You finished it already? I feel like I barely started Mass Effect… Then again you know what I’ve been playing. 🤣 I played Saint’s Row 2 and 3 never finished neither of them, but I did finish 4!

      1. ItzMidnightRose

        Yes, I’ve finished it, it was fun! Working on ME2 now and then when im done with that going to try and finish ME3. I’ve been playing so many games its hard to keep up. Xenoverse 2 , PalWorld, Mass Effect and so many more.

        1. Many, many, games out there, our life span isn’t long enough to play them all lol.

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