Talking and Reminiscing – Tekken 8

Tekken 8
Talking and Reminiscing – Tekken 8 (February 13, 2024)

Nina Williams (Console ver.) / Tekken 3, this jam right here is the only character select track you need.

If no one has noticed, I’ve been playing Tekken 8, a lot recently, with Jun as my main character and after messing with the Jukebox Mode, it got me reminiscing about the old days.

I started the Tekken series with Tekken 3. I had a PlayStation 2 Slim and one day I saw Tekken 3 for PlayStation 1 at Fred’s for $10 and my mother bought it for me. I don’t know if Fred’s even still exists anymore, but me and my family played that game like mad.

As I was a kid, I didn’t even know other Tekkens existed, Tekken 5 could have already been out and we were over here playing 3, they were good times though.

I normally played Jin so much back then that when I wrote my first book I named one of the main characters after him, Jin Ghost, and I kid you not I think PS1 discs may make been bullet proof that game had so many scratches on the disc and still worked up until the day I made the decision to sell my old stuff to come into the new age with PlayStation 3.

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