The Legends of Kio! (Book I)


The Legends of Kio! (Book I) by Conspiracy VII. Released: 2023. Genre: Instrumental.  

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“Treacherous Path” from The Legends of Kio! (Book I) by Conspiracy VII. Released: 2023. Track 1. Genre: Instrumental.

“15 Years Ago…” from The Legends of Kio! (Book I) by Conspiracy VII. Released: 2023. Track 2. Genre: Instrumental.

“Necessary Sacrifice” from The Legends of Kio! (Book I) by Conspiracy VII. Released: 2023. Track 3. Genre: Instrumental.

“King of Vampires” from The Legends of Kio! (Book I) by Conspiracy VII. Released: 2023. Track 4. Genre: Instrumental.

“Blue Flames” from The Legends of Kio! (Book I) by Conspiracy VII. Released: 2023. Track 5. Genre: Instrumental.



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