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Kwanzaa’s sixth day, sixth principle, Kuumba, celebrated at the Frank Johnson Recreation Center

Rescue Mission of Middle Georgia feed the homeless on Christmas Eve

‘Christmas Feast & Toy Giveaway’ preparation underway at Terminal Station

Macon-Bibb Transit Authority to host free fare days

Bibb County School District holds swearing-in ceremony for six officials

UPDATE: Homeless woman identified after hit-and-run on Pio Nono Avenue, investigation underway

Kali Dance Studio for the Arts gives us a sneak peek at the upcoming ‘Spirit of the Holiday Season’

Holiday favorites visit patients at Macon hospital

CURE Childhood Cancer Holiday Angels delivers a truckload of gifts to Atrium Health Levine

Candy Cane Classic is back for its second year at Rhythm & Rally

Bibb County Sheriff’s Office joins Atrium for holiday fun delivering various gifts to patients at

Residents and Staff are set to enjoy ‘Christmas at McAfee Towers’

The Artist Gift Market at the Macon Mall is open for the holidays

Clothing the G.A.P. holiday drive currently underway

‘A Night of Lights’ holiday tradition held at Atrium Health Levine Children's Beverly Knight