So, I’ve been playing Tekken 8 and I’ve ranked up all the way to Vanquisher so far. I am by no means a pro and matter of fact I’m currently getting destroyed in my rank. I thought I wasn’t going to make it out of Assailant because every time I got to my promotion match someone knocked me back down, but the Tekken Gods shone upon me and I got to Dominator and finally Vanquisher.
So, now I just want to share a few tips on how I got to my current rank because it feels this may be as far as I may go at the moment.
First Tip – Map your buttons…

Out of the gate, map your buttons… I don’t know about you, but pressing two or three buttons at once in the middle of a combo hardly ever works out for me. So, map those button presses to the trigger buttons of the controller and you’ve already fixed half of your battle.
Second Tip – Learn as you go…

Learn as you go, you don’t need to know all 130 of Mother Jun’s moves or whatever character you are using. It definitely can help, but it honestly seems impossible to the average person, talking about myself here, but currently I only know about 20-23 of Jun’s moves.
Third Tip – Don’t fall for trickery…

If you feel you can’t defeat your enemy, don’t be tricked into playing a set, just leave after the first match, you’ll have a better chance of finding people who are more of your skill level.
Also don’t fall for this other trick, for example let’s say you’ve won the first match and you decided to go on to the second match and get destroyed, almost like a different person is playing, do not play the third match, because my friend you have been tricked…
They intentionally lost the first match, then they win the second match and because you think you can still beat them because you won the first match, you are tricked into going into a third match and now you’ve lost double the ranked points, whereas if you saw through their trickery you’ve only lost the one time.
Fourth Tip – Take your time…

Take your time, I’m guilty of this myself, but we’ll start panicking at the end of a close match and hit Rage at the worst possible time causing us to lose a match we could have won. Also do not skip any of the cutscenes, like the intros or the stage shifts, use that time to readjust for the next round it could be the difference between a win or loss.
Fifth Tip – Don’t rely on Heat & Rage…

Speaking of Rage, don’t rely on Heat and Rage, it’s hard I know. These moves are too powerful to ignore, but you want to make sure you 100% catch your enemy. Like hitting Heat or Rage while your opponent is in the air or catching him in the middle of their combo because there is no chance for a block.
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